IIT People Search

Giorgio Grasselli

Associate Professor at the University of Genoa
Affiliated Researcher
Neuroscience and Smart Materials
Research center

!!! APPLICATIONS for THESIS projects or as PRE-​DOC or POSTDOC FELLOWS are welcome !!!

I am an Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of Genoa (Dept. of Pharmacy) and Visiting Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology and San Martino Hospital in Genoa.

My team is studying neuronal plasticity at different levels (structural and functional, at the synaptic level as well as looking at intrinsic excitability) using the cerebellum as a model area, to understand better the mechanisms used in this circuit to encode information and memory. We also investigate pathological alterations of the structure and function of this circuit in brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cerebellar ataxia, autism and other neuropathologies. 



    • 03/2024-02/2027 Single Center Research Project (FISM-2023) (PI), Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FISM)
    • 11/2023-11/2025 Relevant Project for National Interest (PRIN-PNRR) (co-PI), Italian Min. of University and Research
    • 10/2023-10/2025 Relevant Project for National Interest (PRIN-2022) (PI & Coordinator), Italian Min. of University and Research
    • 01/2022-10/2025 Extended Partnership for Neuroscience “MNESYS” (Member, Spoke 3), Italian Min. of University and Research
    • 01/2022-12/2024 Ricerca Corrente (PI & Coordinator), San Martino Hospital, Italian Ministry of Health
    • 11/2021-11/2024 Ricerca Finalizzata - Young Researchers (PI & Coordinator), Italian Ministry of Health 


    • 07/2021-06/2023 5x1000 (PI & Coordinator), San Martino Hospital, Italian Ministry of Health
    • 07/2019-06/2021 EU-H2020 Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2018) (EU)
    • 01/2017-12/2017 Investigator-initiated Research (PI), Biohaven Pharma (US)
    • 01/2016-12/2016 Young Investigator SCA Research Award (PI), National Ataxia Foundation (US)


  • patch-clamp electrophysiology in acute brain slices and primary neuronal cultures
  • in vivo microinjections
  • viral vectors for gene expression/silencing
  • immunohistochemistry
  • fluorescent/confocal microscopy and morphometric analysis


Self-applications are welcome for undergrad (BSc / Laurea Triennale, MSc / Laurea Magistrale), graduate and postdoctoral positions. 

Postdoctoral candidates interested in applying to external funding (such as MSCA or EMBO Fellowship) with our lab as a host institution are especially welcome.



06/2022 Poster Award (Matilde Bergamini) at the National PhD Meeting, Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS)
10/2021 Poster Award (Mattia Musto) at FEPS European Physiology Day Virtual Meeting, Federation of European Physiology Societies (FEPS)
09/2021 Poster Award (GG) at SINS conference, Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS)
01/2021 Travel award (Mattia Musto) for JNS Meeting, Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS)
04/2019 IBRO World Congress Travel Grant (GG), International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
01/2019 Travel award (GG) for JNS Meeting, Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS)
06/2018 Young Investigator Award (Premio SIF, GG), Physiological Society of Italy (SIF)

Email: giorgio.grasselli [at] iit.it ||  giorgio.grasselli [at] unige.it || giorgio.grasselli [at] hsanmartino.it

UniGE profile: https://rubrica.unige.it/personale/UkJCX1No

ORCID (0000-0002-2942-9615): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2942-9615

Scopus (35573436500): https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35573436500

WoS (ResearcherID G-5094-2012): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/G-5094-2012

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DhuYSj8AAAAJ&hl=en

Pubmed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/giorgio.grasselli.1/bibliography/public/



Title: PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Institute: University of Rome Tor Vergata
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2006 To: 2010

Title: MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Institute: University of Rome Tor Vergata
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2004 To: 2006

Title: BSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Institute: University of Rome Tor Vergata
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2001 To: 2004


Title: Italian Scientific Habilitation to Associate Professor (ASN II fascia), Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
Description: Molecular Biology (05/E2, 05/2019), Physiology (05/D1, 03/2018), General pathology (06/A2, 03/2018), Histology (05/H2, 03/2018), Applied Biology (05/F1, 07/2017)
Date: 01-07-2017

Title: French Qualification to Associate Professor (HDR, Maître de conférences), French Ministry of Education (MENJS)
Description: Section: Neuroscience (69)
Date: 10-03-2021

Experience External

Title: Assistant Professor (Tenure-track, Ricercatore "B")
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2021 To: 2024

Title: Adjunct Professor (Professore a Contratto)
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2019 To: 2021

Title: Adjunct Professor (Professore a Contratto)
Institute: Humanitas University
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2019 To: 2020

Title: Staff Scientist
Institute: University of Chicago
Location: Chicago
Country: USA
From: 2017 To: 2018

Title: Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute: University of Chicago
Location: Chicago
Country: USA
From: 2011 To: 2017

Title: Post-doc
Institute: Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2010 To: 2011

Title: Visiting Student
Institute: RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI)
Location: Wako-shi
Country: Japan
From: 2008 To: 2008

Title: PhD Student
Institute: Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2006 To: 2009

Title: Visiting student
Institute: Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
Location: Magdeburg
Country: Germany
From: 2005 To: 2005


Electrophysiology and functional imaging
- whole-cell somatic patch-clamp in acute brain slices
- quantitative live confocal calcium imaging in spines and dendrites combined with patch-clamp

Histology and microscopy
- immunohistochemistry
- Golgi staining
- confocal microscopy
- morphometry

Animal surgery and treatments
- Stereotaxic micro-injections
- Drugs administrations (intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, intravenous injections, gavage)

- primary cell cultures
- organotipic cultures

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- production of viral vector particles
- qPCR
- Western-blot
- cloning
- mutant mouse generation and genotyping (design)

- gait analysis (DigiGait)
- Rotarod
- clinical motor score assessment of EAE (experimental autoimmune enchephalomyelitis)

Top Publications
Grasselli G., Boele H.-J., Titley H.K., Bradford N., van Beers L., Jay L., Beekhof G.C., Busch S.E., De Zeeuw C.I., Schonewille M., Hansel C.
SK2 channels in cerebellar Purkinje cells contribute to excitability modulation in motor-learning-specific memory traces
PLoS Biology, vol. 18, (no. 1)
Grasselli G., He Q., Wan V., Adelman J.P., Ohtsuki G., Hansel C.
Activity-Dependent Plasticity of Spike Pauses in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells
Cell Reports, vol. 14, (no. 11), pp. 2546-2553
Grasselli G., Rossi S., Musella A., Gentile A., Loizzo S., Muzio L., Di Sanza C., Errico F., Musumeci G., Haji N., Fresegna D., Sepman H., De Chiara V., Furlan R., Martino G., Usiello A., Mandolesi G., Centonze D.
Abnormal NMDA receptor function exacerbates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 168, (no. 2), pp. 502-517
Allegra Mascaro A.L., Cesare P., Sacconi L., Grasselli G., Mandolesi G., MacO B., Knott G.W., Huang L., De Paola V., Strata P., Pavone F.S.
In vivo single branch axotomy induces GAP-43-dependent sprouting and synaptic remodeling in cerebellar cortex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 110, (no. 26), pp. 10824-10829
Grasselli G., Mandolesi G., Strata P., Cesare P.
Impaired sprouting and Axonal Atrophy in cerebellar climbing fibres following in vivo silencing of the growth-associated protein GAP-43
PLoS ONE, vol. 6, (no. 6)
All Publications
Vitale C., Natali G., Cerullo M.S., Floss T., Michetti C., Grasselli G., Benfenati F.
The homeostatic effects of the RE-1 silencing transcription factor on cortical networks are altered under ictogenic conditions in the mouse
Acta Physiologica, vol. 240, (no. 6)
Article Journal
Musto M., Bergamini M., La Terra A., Marenco G., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Activity-dependent structural plasticity reshapes cerebellar climbing fiber morphology and connectivity
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2022
Poster Conference
Bergamini M., Musto M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Cerebellar climbing fiber activity can reshape the structure of the olivocerebellar circuit
FENS Forum 2022
Poster Conference
Bergamini M., Musto M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Cerebellar climbing fiber activity can reshape the structure of the olivocerebellar circuit
SINS PhD students meeting
Poster Conference
Bergamini M., Natali G., Musto M., Carlini F., Kerlero deRosbo N., Palmerio F., Michetti C., La Terra A., Cesca F., Uccelli A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Neuronal excitability as a potential therapeutical target for Multiple Sclerosis
2nd Scientific Retreat of San Martino Hospital IRCCS
Poster Conference
Awards and Achievements
Grasselli G.
Single Center Research Project (FISM-2023)
Grasselli G., Mascaro Allegra A.L., Gentile A.
National Relevant Interest Projects (PRIN-2022) (PI/Coordinator)
Grasselli G., Busnelli M.
National Relevant Interest Projects (PRIN-PNRR) (co-PI)
Bergamini M., Musto M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Best Poster Award (SINS PhD Meeting 2022)
Capello E., Grasselli G.
5x1000, San Martino Hospital Funding
Organized Events
Canepa M., Grasselli G., Lambertini M., Pardini M., Roccatagliata L., Vitale C., Zoppoli G.
2nd Scientific Retreat of San Martino Hospital IRCCS
Canepa M., Grasselli G., Lambertini M., Pardini M., Roccatagliata L., Vitale C.
1st Scientific Retreat of San Martino Hospital IRCCS