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Christian Vassallo

Software Team Leader
Senior Technician
Rehab Technologies - INAIL-IIT lab
Research center

Christian Vassallo is one of the software engineers at Rehab Technologies Lab, an innovation lab co-funded by INAIL to develop new prostheses, exoskeleton and rehabilitation devices of high market potential in the healthcare sectors. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2011 from the University of Genoa, and a double-degree M.S. in Robotics Engineering in 2013 from the École centrale de Nantes. He concluded his Ph.D in Robotics Engineer (Humanoid Robots and Human Gait) in 2016 at Gepetto Team, one of the robotics group of the LAAS-CNRS lab in Toulouse, France. After a short period as Postdoctoral Researcher at LAAS-CNRS, in July 2017 he joined the Italian Institute of Technology, starting as software engineer, mainly on the Twin lower-limb exoskeleton project. In January 2021, he started to work as software team leader of the Twin project, having the chance of  managing a brilliant software team.
Since September 2022 he is also in charge to manage the software team of the Float upper-limb exoskeleton.