IIT People Search

Joao Filipe Rodrigues Ribeiro

Post Doc
Microtechnology for Neuroelectronics
Research center

João F. Ribeiro was born in 1986, in Guimarães, Portugal. Currently, he is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Microtechnology for Neuroelectronics laboratory (NetS3), Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genoa, Italy.

He received, in 2010, a MSc degree in industrial electronics engineering (specialization in microelectronics) from the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. After, he acquired laboratory experience by performing microfabrication tasks for different projects in CMEMS research centre for 1 year. In 2012, he began his PhD studies in thin-film electrochemical microsystems under Prof. L.M. Gonçalves and Prof. M.M. Silva supervision. During PhD, he spent ten months at the Laboratory of Reactivity and Chemistry of Solids (LRCS), University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France. In 2015, he received his PhD with the “Flexible thin-film lithium batteries” thesis, at CMEMS research centre, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.

From 2016 to 2019, he developed silicon and polyimide-based passive implantable neuronal interfaces with electrical and optical capabilities in CMEMS research centre and International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Braga, Portugal. During this period, he was appointed CMEMS research centre Integrated Member, collaborated with Costa Lab, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal for animal testing and was awarded the project “Thin-films based Fabry-Perot optical filters and PDMS coating µ-lenses for optical neural probes” (OpticalBrain, PTDC/CTM-REF/28406/2017) from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

In 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 academic years, he was appointed Guest Lecturer in the Department of Industrial Electronics from the University of Minho, teaching master courses about microelectronics, microsystems and digital/analogue integrated circuits.

In July 2019, he joined the NetS3 lab at IIT as a postdoctoral researcher for developing CMOS-based active neural interfaces, named SiNAPS technology. Then, he successfully applied for an individual EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellowship with the project “Toward monolithic CMOS-based neural probes for stable chronic recording and brain-machine interfaces” (ChroMOS, GA 896996). After this 2 years project, he began his role as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the same lab supervising postdocs and PhD students and being involved in different projects (e.g. EIC CrossBrain project, GA 101070908).

All Publications
González Torrecilla S., Angotzi G.N., Ribeiro J.F., Orban G., Vincenzi M., Baker A.M., Tenorio V., Baker S.N., Berdondini L.
2048 channel recordings from macaque motor cortex using SiNAPS probes
Neuroelectronic Interfaces Gordon Conference
Poster Conference
Vincenzi M., Perna A., Orban O., Stubbendorff C., Ribeiro J.F., Angotzi G.N., Berdondini L.
A data reduction method for on-board unit analysis in Next-Gen active CMOS-based W-BCIs
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE)
Conference Paper Conference
Giannattasio T., Fratini M., Brun F., Brombal L., Nizami SB., Palumbo V., Ribeiro J.F., Franceschini F., Micali M., Guida E., Dolci S., Berdondini L., Scimeca M., Mauriello A., Conti A., Toschi N.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
Poster Conference
Giannattasio T., Fratini M., Brun F., Brombal L., Nizami SB., Palumbo V., Ribeiro J.F., Franceschini F., Micali M., Guida E., Dolci S., Berdondini L., Scimeca M., Mauriello A., Conti A., Toschi N.
Assessing wireless implantable microbots using high-resolution 3D imaging techniques
BraYn Conference
Poster Conference
Ribeiro J. F., Perna A., Stubbendorff C., Orban G., Vincenzi M., Angotzi G.N., Berdondini L.
CMOS-based intracortical devices for high-throughput chronic interfaces potentiated by SiNAPS technology
Neuroelectronic Interfaces Gordon Conference
Poster Conference
Ribeiro J.F., Ruther P., Shepard K.
Frontiers in Neuroscience – Neural Technology